Colorado resident, Aaron Henson, was handcuffed and thrown into the back of a police car after being stopped at a license check. To his surprise there was a warrant out for his arrest. Arrest for what? Non-payment of overdue library book fines.
An ordinance in the county were Aaron lives makes it to when if you don't pay the over due fine it turns into a citation. Non-payment of the citation leads to a warrant for arrest.
The warrant Henson was brought in on in January was actually for failure to appear. The town claimed it sent numerous bills, notices, a summons and a notice of a court date, but they apparently were all sent to a previous address and Henson saw none of them.
Lovely, isn't it?
Return Your Library Books, Or Go To Jail!
N.C Teacher Calls Student a Loser on Her Paper
A middle school teacher from Enka Middle School in Candler, North Carolina is gaining national attention for calling a student "loser" on a test paper. It's happened several times and has been addressed, but now one parent thinks he has taken it way too far.
On one test paper the teacher wrote "-20% for being a Loser" and underlined "loser" twice. He claims that he uses terminology like that to relate to the students, but most parents agree that this is just a form or bullying the student.