Hollywood Sign Gets Spared

Recently the famous Hollywood sign was spared by huge fund raising.  A $900,000 donation by Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, and a $500,000 matching grant capped a $12.5 million fund raising drive to protect 138 acres near the famous sign from the development of luxury estates.
"The Hollywood sign has been spared from urban sprawl and will stand unobstructed to welcome future actors, writers and Austrian bodybuilders," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Monday.
 As long as the sign has been there I would personally hate to see it go.  It's like a trademark or emblem for Hollywood.  It's even one of the most famous tourist attractions in the area. 
I do however, think it is quite ridiculous that so much money had to be raised to protect it.  I guess that is lavish Hollywood for you.

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I know a lot of people everywhere are really excited and pumped up about the new edition to the Twilight Saga.  I know there are plenty of people who have read the books and can not wait for this too come out!  If you haven't read the books or seen any of the movies I highly suggest you do.  For the best experience read the books first.  The first Twilight movie was a dissapointment for me, but New Moon brought more of the intensity that you get from the book.
Ladies, if your man says that he doesn't want to go with you to see Twilight, show him this trailer and he might change his mind.  Some of the fight seems look like they are going to be awesome.

Would you camp out... for a job!?

Over the weekend in Queens, NY hundreds of people camped out on the streets in the rain, in hopes of getting a job through a union elevator repair company.  The company gave out 750 applications to the prospective hopefuls. 
I know the economy is bad, and being unemployed myself I can understand the dire need or having a job.  I'm not sure if I would go to such great lengths like camping out in the streets, but I definitely can relate to these people.  I hope most of them get jobs and I wish them luck in their job search endeavors.
Check out this news report video.

Should Humans Seek Out Extra Terrestrials?

British scientist Steven Hawking says that aliens may exist but that we shouldn't seek out contact with them.  "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,"said Hawking.
Personally I think the situation could go either way.  If aliens came here they could be looking for resources.  Maybe their home planet ran out of resources and they came in search of new and better ones.  Maybe they are just like always wondering, what if there is other intelligent life out there?  Maybe they are already here and we just don't realize it.  Skeptic or not, it is something to think on.
To find out more of what Hawking thinks on the subject check out this article.

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I'm 23 years old. I'm currently attending Gaston College and I am in the Broadcasting Production Program. Be sure and check out my music, video, and comment my posts!